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Interviews, Podcasts and publications:

Podcasts and interviews (excerpts):


Open Banking Podcast of the Bankverlag (in German), e.g..:
Design Thinking oder der Mut zum Loslassen
Erfolgsfaktoren bei Embedded Finance


Open Banking muss auch mobil funktionieren: Bankverlag 09/2022 (in German)


Wie wird eine Bank zum Ökosystem? Interview mit der DKB 07/2021 (in German)


Chancen der Digitalisierung: Interview in der Money Times 05/2021 (in German)


Banken, Fintechs, Big-Techs – Wer bestimmt die Ökosysteme und das Banking der Zukunft?:
Interview mit Euroforum, 03/2020 (in German)




Publications (excerpts):

Was Banken von BigTechs lernen können, in „die bank“ 04/2022 (in German) Amazon, Google, Facebook, and WhatsApp are becoming ever more present in most people's daily lives. The increasingly intensive interaction with these services and companies is also influencing the expectations and behavior of bank customers. One important question resulting from this development is which aspects of interaction with BigTechs customers particularly appreciate and what banks can learn from this for their own interaction with younger customers in particular.

Factors influencing the acceptance of proximity mobile payment in Germany: The example of Apple Pay, in Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems 03/2021 This study analyses the factors driving the adoption of proximity mobile payments in Germany, and generates insights regarding the characteristics of early adopters of Apple Pay in Germany. Additionally, the perceived benefits of mobile payments, reasons for non-usage, as well as further potential value-added services to enhance future user experience were analysed and appropriate recommendations for banks derived.

Financial Services in the 2020s: Tectonic Shifts and New Landscapes, Salzburg Global Seminar Conference Report, 07/2019 Societal as well as technological developments have become more complex in recent years, producing a higher degree of uncertainty. While technological developments and mobile penetration provide a variety of opportunities to participate in economic value creation, growing automation and digitization will pose severe societal challenges. The proliferation of alternative finance as well as non-bank providers of financial services is partly driven by the enabling role of technological development, but can also be attributed to an increasingly pronounced disillusionment with and an erosion of confidence in conventional finance after the financial crisis. On a political and societal level, fundamentally different stances become evident especially between the US and China regarding privacy and data protection, which become pivotal in an increasingly digitalized world with a growing influence of automation and artificial intelligence. With predominately US and Chinese platforms currently combining content, retail, and financial offers, the financial services industry is beginning to become more and more contextual, resulting in increasing challenges for the business models of traditional banks. 2019/2019/Session_621/SalzburgGlobal_Report_621.pdf

The impact of Blockchain on the transaction banking business model, in Journal of Digital Banking, 01/2019 This paper analyses the impact of distributed ledger technology (DLT) on various areas of transaction banking (TxB), identifies the most promising use cases and discusses the impact on banks’ business models. The most promising use cases identified were the utilisation of DLT for internal systems among disparate entities, securities settlement, cross-border payments, remittances, trade and supply chain finance and regulatory compliance. The impact on banks’ business models depends on the role that banks play in the ecosystem. If banks build or control their own private ledgers, DLT- based applications can significantly increase efficiency and reduce transaction cost and times for banks and, therefore indirectly, their customers. If other players build up exclusive private ledgers without banks, banks face a significant threat of disintermediation and high business model impact.

The Promise and Perils of Technology - Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybercrime and FinTech, Salzburg Global Seminar Conference Report, 07/2018 In the financial landscape, new technologies such as AI and big data provide opportunities for banks to redefine their customer relationships and to create new ways to offer customized problem-solving services and advice to clients. The digital revolution in combination with regulatory initiatives has also lowered the barriers to entry in financial services for new competitors such as fintechs and tech incumbents giving them access to banks’ clients, infrastructure and data. As a consequence, established financial institutions face a new level of multi- faceted competition and the emergence of cross-sectoral ecosystems – with players such as Google, Apple, Meta, and Amazon in the US and Alibaba and WeChat in Asia – increasingly entering traditional financial services. This is putting pressure on incumbents’ business models. As the trend toward open banking and APIs opens up banks’ infrastructures to allow data to move seamlessly between systems, new technology-enabled platforms emerge with significantly more open, direct access for consumers and new ways of accessing, analyzing and storing data. Neo-banks, crowd-funding, peer- to-peer platforms, aggregators, and digital wallets have all started to unbundle banking by disaggregating the previously completely bank-internal, bank-controlled supply chain layer by layer and occupying and optimizing individual parts of it, leading to a heightened level of disintermediation. If banks do not adapt their business models in the face of these developments, they are in danger of becoming commodities and could be further reduced to providing basic infrastructure for third parties to use and to communicate through. 2019/2018/Session_599/SalzburgGlobal_Report_599.pdf

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